How to mod your fallout shelter file steam
How to mod your fallout shelter file steam

how to mod your fallout shelter file steam

Updated the item database to the current version of the game (v1.5).ġ80 weapons (1 new), 156 outfits (20 new), 23 legendary dwellers (1 new).Īdded: A build in "website" which allows users to access save files from other devices, upload, download and convert them.

how to mod your fallout shelter file steam

Other enhancement for the auto update mechanism.Īdded: CSV exporter extended (more options for exporting: room name, exploring status, SPECIAL).Īdded: Browse button, requires a file explorer to work.Īdded: Game Vault bakup restore feature (restore bkp files made by the game itself).Īdded: Button to abort all babies (turn pregnant dwellers into non-pregnant dwellers).Īdded: Added buttons to change time spend in wasteland for all the exploring and individual dwellers.Īdded: Option to change vault style (Edit vault info menu).Īdded: Online and Offline (CSV) databases of items, outfits, pets and dwellers (rare and legendary).Īdded: Option to dump dweller data into a CSV file ("Edit dwellers" -> "Export dweller data to CSV" on the bottom). Removed: Option to edit stimpacks and radaways of exploring dwellers (due to structure change, will be readded in the future in a different way). Update: Online game item database and CSVs updated.Īdded: Added 2 new lunchbox types (starter pack and nuka cola qunatum).Īdded: Added option to edit nuka cola quantum.Īdded: Option to export vault stats and inventory as CSV. Update: Editor item database updated to FS v1.6 (1 new outfit and 7 new weapons). Update: Return exploring dwellers fixed (note: quest teams aren't supported).Īdded: Set stimpacks and radaways for all dwellers.Īdded: "Remote editing" feature, which allows the PC editor to use the features of the Android editor. Update: Set time spent in wasteland fixed. Update: Remove crap items from dwellers fixed. Modded version update: Removed pet limits per room and vault.

how to mod your fallout shelter file steam

Update: Editor compatibility raised to 1.6.1. Update: Android modded version updated (PC is not updated yet!). Update: Dweller list UI changed: Sort menu shrinked into a pop up menu.Īdded: Completed quest editor screen (remove quests to do them again). Update: Minor UI changes to fix some UI size problems. Update: Editor updated for FS v1.7.2 (2 new outfits).

How to mod your fallout shelter file steam